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Type Locality : Valledupar, Cesar Department, Colombia

Etymology : The specific epithet is a patronym in honour of the late Norman I. Platnick (1951–2020)


Male Activity

An incongruence in palpal bulb and spermathecal morphologies between groupings of species of the genus Hapalopus Ausserer, 1875 has persisted for some time. We redefine Hapalopus based on examination of the holotype male of the type species, Hapalopus formosus Ausserer, 1875, housed in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Three new species of Hapalopus are described from Colombia: H. guerreroi Benavides, Osorio, Sherwood, Gabriel, Peñaherrera-R., Hörweg, Brescovit & Lucas sp. nov., H. platnicki Sherwood, Gabriel, Osorio, Benavides, Peñaherrera-R., Hörweg, Brescovit & Lucas sp. nov., and H. vangoghi Osorio, Benavides, Sherwood, Gabriel, Peñaherrera-R., Hörweg, Brescovit & Lucas sp. nov. The new genus Notahapalopus Sherwood, Gabriel, Peñaherrera-R., Osorio, Benavides, Hörweg, Brescovit & Lucas gen. nov. is described to house Notahapalopus aymara (Perdomo, Panzera & Pérez-Miles, 2009) comb. nov. (type species), Notahapalopus gasci (Maréchal, 1996) comb. nov., N. parauapebas Sherwood, Gabriel, Osorio, Benavides, Peñaherrera-R., Hörweg, Brescovit & Lucas sp. nov., and N. serrapelada (Fonseca-Ferreira, Zampaulo & Guadanucci, 2017) comb. nov. Discussion on the biogeography of Hapalopus and Notahapalopus gen. nov. is also provided. Hapalopus lesleyae Gabriel, 2011 is transferred to Jambu Miglio, Perafán & Pérez-Miles, 2024 based on palpal bulb morphology, giving the new combination Jambu lesleyae comb. nov.
ZooNova 32: 1-44

Habitat and Type Locality