Chilocosmia barenst9ineraels a new species of the genus and the first species
of this genus from Kalimantan. hi adult female could be c:cllected In the
South of Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. It moulted on 20"
August 2009. The male of this species is unknown.
The exuvia has been studied by SCHMIDT who dissected the stridulation
bristles and the sperrnathecae. The new species differs from all other spa...
des of the genus by two additional rows of paddle and peglike strXluialing
setae on the maxillae, one medium-sized and one very small. The differ·
ences to C. p6erbooml SCHMIDT. 1999 from the island of Negros (Philippines)
are besides two additional rows of paddle and peglike setae on maxillae,
scopula of metatarsus IV the base of the segment not reaching, Tibia IV
not thickened, distance ALE-PLE considerably larger, unpaired third claw
absent, three pairs of sternal slgillae. hair red brown . Colour after moulting
deep black. The biotope Is the tropical rain forest. whictt is very humid during
the monsoon time. Ch//ocosmia SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH, 1992, in 2000
synonymized with Sel9nocosmia by RAVEN is a genus of its own and quite
different from Selenocosmia AUSSERER,1871 .
-Selenocosmia bom908nsis- nomen nudum (non vidimus) is probably an
Omithoctoninae sp.