Eine neue Vogelspinnenart aus Peru, Thrixopelma ockerti gen. et sp. n. (Araneida: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)
The new species belongs to the new genus Thrixopelma which differs from
Paraphysa Simon, 1892 by denticulated tarsal claws, absence of spikes on all
coxae which are present in Paraphysa manicata Simon, 1892 and absence of
basally situated spines on Metatarsus I, also present in Paraphysa manicata and
in the female of P. pulcherrimaklaasi Schmidt, 1991. T. ockerti sp. n. has a small
stripe builded by white plumose urticating hairs on femur of palps prolaterally
situated. Its spermatheca consists of two pointed-cap-like receptacula seminis.