Ein Weibchen von Lampropelma nigerrimum arboricola ssp. n. aus Borneo (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Ornithoctoninae)
Lampropelma nigerrimum arborieola is a subspecies of Lampropelma
nigerrimum living in Borneo. It is closely related to L. nigerrimum nigerrimum
SIMON, 1892, the type species of the genus, living on Sang ir (or Sangihe)
Island. An adult female could be studied. It differs from the type species in
the relative size of the eyes, the spination of the legs and the scopula of the
fourth metatarsus. The PLE are much smaller than the ALE, aillegs are
spinose and scopula of metatarsus IV is present apically in the centre of the
segment only. According to Jean-Michel VERDEZ the males of both
subspecies are different. In L. nigerrimum nigerrimum the herringbone
pattern on the opisthosoma is distinct and the tarsi are not orange, in L.
nigerrimum arborieola the herringbone pattern on the opisthosoma is absent
and the tarsi are weakly orange. The new subspecies is dealt under the
name L. sp. "Borneo blael(' or Selenoeosmia borneoensis. Both of them are
nomina nuda. It is said to live arboreously.